Sunday, August 31, 2008

Renewable Sources of Energy.

Some how the word "sustainable energy" sounds suspicious to me. There is this hype about Bio-Diesel these days and how it will solve a lot of ills! Even i was going to plant it in my farm(i didn't because of various other reasons like poor yield and government laws etc.,) but the recent news is that they are actually cutting down Rain Forests in Indonesia just to plant these Bio-fuel crops! so what's next? "Use regular Diesel and save the rain forest"!!

Farmers in India's rich Krishna Basin which is called the Rice bowl of India have stopped planting rice and switched to Bio-Diesel crops as an easier alternative, which made the Gov bring in a new law that you can't use more than 10% of your land for Energy crops. A new law already for something that was going to solve a problem?!!

Its seems our mind can only create new problems and never a solution. I doubt if we can actually have sustainable sources for a world population that consumes like pigs and is going to reach 8 billion soon!

The fact is the World has always been sustainable which includes sustaining human life, i don't know whats the squabble about sustaining? What are we sustaining? Our needs or our greed's? Frankly i don't mind settling for a decent little cottage some where far off without T.V, loads of useless gadgets and unnecessary "luxurious".

Giving and Charity:

There is nothing noble in giving charity, to begin with who are we to "give" anything, we dont own anything in the first place.. what nature has provided it has provided for everyone equally. Its no bodies business to stop someone from taking a fruit from a tree but in reality the tree these days belongs to either a owner or the state.

Its the religious thinking of man which stops us from taking what is ours, dividing lands and people that have no borders or distinctions, protecting the rich man with its moral laws while the poor man is left to beg or eek a living. Religion and God are like invisible protectors of mans crooked laws, religion has made charity a big business by dividing or taking away things that belong to everyone without a question, while filtering out the supply amongst its favorites. Its only the religious people who can make such a fuss out of charity, do we call feeding animals in the zoo as charity? who asked us to put them in the cage in the first place? Same way man has made his own cage out the insecurities of his mind and made charity a divine thing, when in reality the existance of it is a poor refelection of our species.

There is no reason for anyone to starve in this planet but yet millions die out of starvation while others feast endlessly and call it modern economics! Economics means to create imbalance the only roll of Banks are to block(dam) the flow of cash from going to everyone. If the cash went to everyone then no one needs to starve but its these same big western banks that talk of providing funds for aid are the ones that are actually blocking the flow of cash to the people who need it.

But who am i to talk about all this, its natures own cruel design that has created this. Mans thought is also part of natures creation and what he does is also nature and not artificial as we are made to think. So i have no problem with human nature either.

Friday, August 22, 2008

This is my first post. I had no intention of blogging but i followed a trail and ended up making an account.

Anyway since I am here, I hope to read more of what others have to say rather than to write what i feel. I am sure what i feel has already been written, felt, experienced or found by someone. But dont be disappointed, I have a large network of neurons that will soon start flooding out its own content and we can all biker about it soon.

Stay in touch beloved's. :)