Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trip pics

These are some of the pics i took in my travel across South India. It has music in it so hope you have a good speaker too.. :P


Monday, September 1, 2008

Some one once said that we are nothing but words, it took me quite a while to come to that stage of understanding, in the end you realize all our thoughts are mere words nothing more, like a computer is driven by a sub-stratum of numbers even though we only see images and alphabets in the screen same way we are driven by words even tough we see images and emotions, these words drive our emotions and our deeds. In the end even the "I" ego is nothing more than a word, your told that the "I" is something more than a word pointing to a self, but have you actually seen that self the "I" points to? If you did see deeper you will see only the letter "I" remains, the "I" never existed when you where born, it is a construct of society and conditioning of the mind. There is no entity the word "I" is pointing to, you cant see the entity or soul or sprit because there is nothing beyond it.

If i read a holy book and then i become part of that cult then those words run my life as though a programmer runs his computer with his pre-recorded programs, you become something else listening to words. So emphasizing on that i had written a small poem.

To whom does these words belong.
Not me, not to thee, nor not to anyone that be.

I am not the one that speaks, nor the one that seeks.

I am not of any beloveds own, nor of the earths sweet furn.

There is none like me, not now or ever to be.

Just words go on by, nay they are not of me.