Sunday, August 31, 2008

Renewable Sources of Energy.

Some how the word "sustainable energy" sounds suspicious to me. There is this hype about Bio-Diesel these days and how it will solve a lot of ills! Even i was going to plant it in my farm(i didn't because of various other reasons like poor yield and government laws etc.,) but the recent news is that they are actually cutting down Rain Forests in Indonesia just to plant these Bio-fuel crops! so what's next? "Use regular Diesel and save the rain forest"!!

Farmers in India's rich Krishna Basin which is called the Rice bowl of India have stopped planting rice and switched to Bio-Diesel crops as an easier alternative, which made the Gov bring in a new law that you can't use more than 10% of your land for Energy crops. A new law already for something that was going to solve a problem?!!

Its seems our mind can only create new problems and never a solution. I doubt if we can actually have sustainable sources for a world population that consumes like pigs and is going to reach 8 billion soon!

The fact is the World has always been sustainable which includes sustaining human life, i don't know whats the squabble about sustaining? What are we sustaining? Our needs or our greed's? Frankly i don't mind settling for a decent little cottage some where far off without T.V, loads of useless gadgets and unnecessary "luxurious".

1 comment:

astrocrazy2005 said...

expectation always leads to misery..
its true even when the expectation is idealism or any other ism..