Monday, December 7, 2009

Why do we Run from ourselves!!

Why are we always restless and running after something? We cant sit quietly......with out distracting ourselves with some thought! Is it because when we sit quietly we are alone and we are faced with ourselves as we are and you find that you are empty, dull, stupid, ugly, guilty, insecure and anxious.. A petty shoddy, second hand entity, following second hand ideas.. and before that dawns on you, you have to close it down and run away into pleasure, work, achievement, ambition because inwardly your an ordinary man but its very gratifying to show of outwardly that we are successful, special, powerful, saintly and all that. Its hard to face that fact because if you have power and social status in this world your treated with more curtsy and a man who has nothing gets pushed around. So neither we nor the world would let us believe that we are ordinary to the core, when we accept this then everything man has built around it(cosmetics, crime, business and the rest of it) falls apart because every wanting desire of man is to become someone else, someone better, someone greater. This is also the cause of all suffering because there is always this insecurity of not full filling or arriving or becomeing that person society wants us to be.

As long as we wont let go of our desire to become so long we must accept fear of not becoming or arriving at our goal and all that.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tiny spec called earth.! Earth from deep space..

A picture of earth from 1 million light years away. All our history from the cave man to the grandeur's and conquest of kings and empires, ideologies and religions, achievements and losses, conflicts and peace and our hopes for a grander future have all taken place in this tiny spec of star dust that we call home.

I often wonder why is it so hard for most people to see the futility of our self-importance and our hurry to get some where leading to this rush and stamped. May be its an lack of imagination or an inability to take the pressures of our society that we become blind to the facts. What ever it is i hope this picture reminds me of who we are.

There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy and there are 125 billion galaxies in the known Universe, thats how far we can see with the most powerful telescope. There is still countless galaxies out of sight.

Starting with our galaxy the milky way, which just one in billions of other galaxies visible through the modern telescope. We still have no clue how many galaxies are there.

At the edge of the Milky way.

10, light years away and still no sign of the sun!

A faint glimpse of our sun but no visual of the planets.

Yup, you could crush it with a finger.

We crawl here on this dot!

God created the sky and earth and the seas in 6 days! lol..

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."-Albert Einstein

Thursday, June 18, 2009

non duality quotes.

"I cant see a thing, even though my eyes are wide open."

“There is no need of a way out! Don’t you see that a way out is also part of the dream? All you have to do is see the dream as dream. ...Wherever it leads you, it will be a dream. The very idea of going beyond the dream is illusory. Why go anywhere? Just realize that you are dreaming a dream you call the world and stop looking for ways out. The dream is not your problem. Your problem is that you like one part of your dream and not another. Love all, or none of it, and stop complaining. When you have seen the dream as a dream, you have done all that needs be done.”

That has to be the most beautiful thing i have ever read at this part of my life. It may not have sounded great yesterday or it may not be interesting in the future but right now it makes a whole lot of sense.

“You merely dream that you roam about. In a few years your stay in India will appear as a dream to you. You will dream some other dream at that time. Do realize that it is not you who moves from dream to dream, but the dreams flow before you and you are the immutable witness. No happening affects your real being—that is the absolute truth.”

“What you need will come to you if you do not ask for what you do not need.”

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Moral Dilemma!

We have always been told that industries have to come up if we need to create jobs and give employment to people! While in today's world every management is looking for automation and bring in machines that take over the jobs from people! What sense does it make for a society to make industries to give employment and then threaten the industry to go out of business if they don't automate and cut jobs! Isn't that ironical!!

I have been facing my own dilemma on this issue, where i have to buy new machines and mordernise the factory.! Its sort of a catch-22 situation where i have no real choices put in front of me.! You either go for the machines and keep modernizing the company or face the competition who actually wont blink before taking over someones market share with better quality!

So in a way as i type, i only get the feeling we have really no choice, everything seems to be in gear and running itself where we need to only play the roll of actors in a drama.! There cant be any morals in a hypocritical society which only needs more and more. As the saying goes "the planet has for everyone's needs and not for everyone's greed's'! but we live in an greedy society created by a greedy species, weather it wants more money or a place in haven next to god, its all designed for getting our self some where safer, even at the cost of others.! its always about our own greed. So what choice we have but to play along?

Monday, February 16, 2009


Why do we feel so bad when some one actually rejects us? Rejection is a real bad feeling, it makes the rejected person feel un-worthy.! and it makes the rejector look like someone you should strive to impress just so you show yourself that your not a scum bag and you do fit in society.! However over simplistic this explanation sounds in the end that's why we want to get back with people who reject us and we may even hound them to get back with us again. The truth is its never about them, its about us and the hollowness it revels that we cant bare to stare at.

I think a better way to look at rejectors is that how narrow minded they actually have been all this time and since your not the one who rejects then you must be a more secure and better person than them!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Respect for every job in the West!

Is there really equality in the west when it comes to job descriptions?! I mean do people consider a janitor and a CEO the same? If they do then how do they get ahead?!! Doesn't aspiration mean to go to a higher place?! If everyone thought being a janitor is good enough then no one would want to become a manager or a CEO.! I understand in the west people of lower job-descriptions dont really respect their superiors the way we do in India, i mean they dont have to stand while talking to the CEO or not share the same table for lunch but does that mean they are really equal or are they just tokens of compromise on a superficial level?!

A man works very hard to climb up the ladder and to become a CEO, so he doesnt have to face the same life of being a janitor, he doesnt want to be looked down on, he wants more power, attention and respect. The same man becomes the boss tomorrow. Then doesn't that mean the janitor is not good enough.! So how on earth is that equality of workmanship!

If all that is only on a superficial scale that to for people who grew up in a different world and get carried away by the sweet talk, manners, the green grass and the glazed windows. In reality i dont think there is a such thing. Calling your boss by his name doesn't not make you his equal and he didn't work his way up just so he can make your life better. Every boss cherish his power and control over others and he likes the fact that you are his subordinate and below him and he has the power to fire you. If there is no carrot and stick to climb up then people would have no reason to work for. If some people cant look through the superficiality then they dont get the meaning of Hierarchy. Hierarchy is not a chart that goes from left to right but rather from bottom to top.

No ones want to be a cabie or a janitor the rest of their life. Some people are scared shit about not being recognized. In the US there is this word that everyone dreeds and no one wants to get identified with, its called "looser". No one wants to end up as that and there are ceratin jobs that only losers do. All this doesn't constitute an equal world. The World we live in wont work if there was equality. Its not to say thats the right way but thats the way it has become.

I respect people not for the work they do but for the fact that we all as humans go through some sort of suffering, so in general i have respect for their life as sentient beings and not for what they are worth in the market.

Friday, January 9, 2009