Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tiny spec called earth.! Earth from deep space..

A picture of earth from 1 million light years away. All our history from the cave man to the grandeur's and conquest of kings and empires, ideologies and religions, achievements and losses, conflicts and peace and our hopes for a grander future have all taken place in this tiny spec of star dust that we call home.

I often wonder why is it so hard for most people to see the futility of our self-importance and our hurry to get some where leading to this rush and stamped. May be its an lack of imagination or an inability to take the pressures of our society that we become blind to the facts. What ever it is i hope this picture reminds me of who we are.

There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy and there are 125 billion galaxies in the known Universe, thats how far we can see with the most powerful telescope. There is still countless galaxies out of sight.

Starting with our galaxy the milky way, which just one in billions of other galaxies visible through the modern telescope. We still have no clue how many galaxies are there.

At the edge of the Milky way.

10, light years away and still no sign of the sun!

A faint glimpse of our sun but no visual of the planets.

Yup, you could crush it with a finger.

We crawl here on this dot!

God created the sky and earth and the seas in 6 days! lol..

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."-Albert Einstein


Gautam said...

This is simply breathtaking. And here we are caught up in our little tiny minuscule brain within this extremely small speck of a galaxy. Talk about arrogance and ignorance!

Karthik Soundarajan said...

hi da, sorry didnt see ur comment, whats with smile mr.maz jobrani!!

yup, its really is breath takeing, our comprehension of it seems trivial.